Friday, September 6, 2013

A custom piece, we found this on CL for $20, it was an exceptional piece for the price. With a little plaster paint, stencil design and waxing it is truly an exceptionally beautiful piece.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Burlap and Lace: How To Series: Pattern Mixing

Burlap and Lace: How To Series: Pattern Mixing: Hi Friends! Today we're back again with another edition of my How To series. We've already talked about how to  place your a...
The Aqua Elephant was Born
As a child growing up, I didn't have grandparents. I believe it is essential in a child's development to have grandparents. That must be what's wrong with me, haha! BUT I did have a great great great Aunt. Everyone called her Aunt Babs, cute, huh!? Her name was Elizabeth, my name is Elizabeth, hummmm?! Any way..where was I…she was like royalty to me. She lived in a huge beautiful brick home with her sister, also my aunt. When my mother and I would visit, my Aunt Babs would let me pick something, anything off one of the many corner shelves (filled with nicknacks). Well guess what most of those nicknacks were? Elephants! So it was to be the beginning of my very own "Elephant" collection.

Like most kids, I loved to color and paint. Do you know almost every picture I colored or painted had "Aqua" in it? I L O V E D the color Aqua, but not Elephants so much. Years went by and I had a "few" (a few too many) Elephants. I got married and had the most beautiful baby girl in the world, on my Aunt Babs 100th birthday! Another cool thing, right! It was about a year later when my Aunt Babs passed away. It was the first time in my life I experienced the death of someone I loved. But as it turned out my Aunt Babs left me her Elephant collection. Still not overly excited about Elephants.

As time went on I started displaying my Elephant collection and gathering books and receiving elephants as gifts (about 500 elephants in my collection at this time), a love for Elephants was born!!! Did you know the elephant is the largest land animal? Did you know an elephant (a female elephant, duh!!) is pregnant for 22 months (so quit whining ladies)? Did you know elephants have a language of their own? Did you know elephants are the only surviving species of what was the prehistoric times? And did you know there are 3 species of elephants; Asian, African and African Forest?…I was hooked on elephants (no not phonics).

One sunny day (I just threw in the sunny), it occurred to me, every home I had as an adult, had a "Aqua" room, a room "I " painted Aqua (many different shades of aqua). I continued to paint. I painted ceilings, I painted floors, walls, picture frames, furniture, murals, animals, mammals…yes elephant type mammals! And guess what color I painted my first elephant?
The Aqua Elephant was born!

About Aqua Elephant

Decorating and creating is my passion! I choose to transform "Good Solid" furniture into a creative & appealing design. With many of my pieces, few desires them until it has been transformed. Typically, I will not paint an antique or a piece with exceptionally beautiful wood. I choose to transform worthy pieces of furniture that need to be updated to todays current trends.